
What's the biggest
monster in any RPG?

It's not a dragon, an enemy star destroyer, or even Cthulhu. The biggest monster in roleplaying games is scheduling your game. But fear not! We built RoleRoster to remove the pain of scheduling so everyone can play more and organize less, regardless of whether your group plays online or in person! And, yes! It's free!

How It Works

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Effortless Game Scheduling

Say goodbye to endless back-and-forth emails and calendar clashes.

Your group is excited to play. You have more great content to share with them than ever before. You have an ever-increasing list of ways to play with all the new VTTs popping up. So why aren't you actually playing more games?

Because scheduling is a nightmare.

Everyone's busy. Calendars clash. The idea of a regular weekly game is -- for most people -- a dream that died in middle-school.

Cue RoleRoster. We'll handle the availability, the logistics, and the hassle. You handle the story-prepping, the world-building, and the fun.

Compatible With Everything

Here's just a sampling...

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Sign up for the beta!

Don't let scheduling hold your gaming group back. Sign up for RoleRoster and start playing more today.

What are you waiting for?

The beta will be launching this summer and we want you to know about it.